The Free Ross-a-thon: Something amazing happened and you probably missed it

So often libertarians are criticized for not having real world examples of people coming together voluntarily to help someone out.  Are we really to expect that charity could fill the gaps for those who really need it?  How generous are people?

Well, this weekend, we witnessed a beautiful example of this happening and the vast majority of people probably had no idea it was going on.

A federal court battle is extremely expensive.  To put it into perspective, the bill for just printing and binding the appeal document in an attempt to free Ross Ulbricht from two unjust life sentences in prison was $14,000.  The Free Ross-a-thon was created to raise this money and occurred this Sunday, December 4, 2106.  It was an eight-hour webinar featuring a number of authors, actors, writers, activists, business owners, journalists, and other personalities of the liberty movement talking about Ross Ulbricht and the Silk Road.

The goal was $14,000.  They ended up raising over $23,000 and Roger Ver agreed to match that total.  That is incredible, but what makes it even more amazing is the fact that such a small group of people raised the money.  This was not a national campaign that millions of people cared about.  Unfortunately, only a small number of people are even aware of Ross Ulbricht (that needs to change) and even fewer are on his side, so the donation base was quite small.

This means that those who yell the loudest that people are capable of taking care of each other without the “help” of the state are the people who will lead the way in doing just that.  They will not wait around for others to do the work that needs to be done.  They are the leaders and the role models.  They embody the spirit of what Ross Ulbricht did when he created the Silk Road: if you want to make the world a better place, then it is up to you to find a way to make it better.

Even though the Free Ross-a-thon is over (although you can watch it again), they still need your help.  Please consider giving a donation here.

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