Required Reading: Larken Rose “How They See You”

This is being filed under “Required Reading,” but I figure I’d give you a video instead.

This is Larken Rose’s “How They See You.”  He explains what the politicians are thinking and why it’s useless to try to petition them to make changes.  They simply do not care about you and me.

I’ve had so many people I’ve talked to agree that “politicians are all scumbags and liars.”  But while they agree with that statement, they swear by the system that puts those same politicians into power.  It’s pure insanity!

One comment

  1. I’ve met at least a dozen politicians and I really liked all but one of them. Not sure that any of them intentionally lied are are actively trying to rip me off. I think they’re like cops in that I like 48/50 cops I meet. Border Patrol, Immigration, mostly I get along with all I meet.

    Though they all routinely do something totally unconstitutional and unlawful each and every day, I still don’t think they’re “scumbags and liars,” I think mostly they’re trying to find balance through a system which cannot allow for such. While the lobbyists are allowed on capitol hill, they cannot serve their constituents and the party whip, so they try and serve neither, or both. Or something. Its impossible.

    But mostly I think people who try and serve, get elected/appointed, then realize the calamity of the situation all believe that if they don’t do their job, someone else will, and at least if they do it they can try and do something honest.

    Lumping all politicians into a single dark category won’t float with me, if only because the ones I’ve met have been generally people from whom I get a pretty good vibe. Powerless maybe, but decent seemingly no more dark or evil than me. GWB had no more power to affect things than Obomber does now. See the Council of Foreign Relations for reference. If anyone is deciding anything its hardly someone for whom we could ever vote.

    Its the system stupid. :>

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