Episode 174 – Government Picks the Low-Hanging Fruit to Take Guns from and Throw in Cages

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With red flag laws looming around us, the government has been more active in confiscating guns from the people it deems shouldn’t have them. While they are something to worry about, does it distract us from paying attention to the things it already does at achieve the same ends? We look at two things going on this episode: an article detailing a new Pennsylvania law that requires people convicted a domestic abuse crime to turn in their guns and the case of Derek Heuring, an Indiana man who police busted for meth after obtaining a warrant to search his house with probable cause that he stole the GPS tracker they planted on his car because it went silent. They’re not very likely to take our guns en masse but will instead go after some easy targets first that will be hard for most people to defend.

Items discussed
New Pa. law aimed to disarm accused domestic abusers within 24 hours. Hundreds in Philly haven’t turned in guns.
Derek Heuring v. State of Indiana Oral Arguments
Derek Heuring v. State of Indiana Memorandum Decision

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